Roadmap to a Vibrant Life

As we enter our 30’s, 40’s or 50’s, we realize this is such an exciting time where we truly come into our own. We’ve been through a lot and hopefully know who we are, and what we want out of life. Most likely, we want the best version of ourselves and to live in all our vitality to accomplish all that we want to do. It’s a time for personal growth, self-discovery, and of course, paying extra attention to our health. Longevity is a true buzz word right now, and what it boils down to is that we want to thrive in our middle years, not just get by. And there are some specific things to focus on so that we can ultimately live our best life. 

PROTEIN – Protein is the underrated building block for your muscles and it’s also anti-aging in that it helps combat the natural muscle loss that can occur as we age. Plus, protein is a powerhouse essential for supporting a healthy metabolism, weight management, bone health, repairing and building tissues and supporting immune function. For those that are heading or in menopause, it is even more crucial to make sure to have enough protein with each meal, because it plays a big role in supporting hormone production, and help manage the hormonal fluctuations that occur during menopause. Additionally, protein-rich foods make you feel satiated and full, which can be beneficial in managing weight changes. It’s easy to incorporate more protein into your diet by including lean sources such as poultry, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds. 

FDN TIP – Set a timer for 2 hours after you eat a meal, if you’re hungry again, then that means you didn’t have enough protein. 

WATER – Let’s talk about water, it's like the ultimate lifeforce for your body. Water does way more than just quench your thirst –  it helps your body stay cool, keeps your joints moving smoothly,, and even helps with digestion. Water also flushes out all the junk and toxins, making your kidneys happy. It also delivers nutrients and oxygen to your cells, giving you that radiant, "I woke up like this" kind of glow. And let's not forget the brain – dehydration can completely ruin your focus and leave you feeling like a zombie. So set those timers, carry your stainless steel or glass water bottle around, and find a way to get those 8 glasses in. 
FDN TIP - Start your morning with a big glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice, some salt for electrolytes, and maybe some apple cider vinegar for your gut. That gets one big glass in before you start your day and jump starts your digestive system right!

STRENGTH TRAINING – As we age, adrenal stress can start to take hold, and if you pay attention to your body, you might notice it not loving heavy cardio 6 days a week. Moderation is key in this area, and mixing in some strength training is really important. This doesn’t have to mean using heavy weights, you could just rely on your bodyweight. And it's not just about bulking up and looking ripped (though that's a nice bonus!). Strength training has a ton of other benefits – yes, it helps you build muscle, which is super important for boosting your metabolism and burning fat. And it also keeps your bones strong, improves your balance, stability, and overall functional fitness. It makes everyday tasks easier, like carrying groceries or playing with your kids. Plus, there’s so many mental benefits – it lifts your mood, reduces stress, and gives you a confidence boost! 
FDN TIP – There are so many apps out there that have 5, 10, even 20- minute sessions to keep it quick and easy.

LAB TESTING – Functional testing is like going beyond the surface to really understand what's going on inside your body. It digs deeper than regular medical tests and looks at things like hormones, nutrients, gut health, genetics, food sensitivities and even toxins. By getting this kind of testing done, you can find out what imbalances or issues might be causing your health problems. It's like putting the puzzle pieces together to see the bigger picture. And knowing that picture is way easier than guessing. It’s about information - knowing what your body likes and doesn’t like and how it works so that you can adjust your lifestyle accordingly and take a proactive approach to your health. FDN TIP – If you don’t know where to go, find an FDN who can help you facilitate this testing!


HEALTHY POOP (yes, we’re talking poop) – Believe it or not, a healthy bowel movement is a sign of a happy and functioning digestive system. It’s one of the main pathways for getting rid of waste and toxins from your body. When you have a good poop, you're making sure that your digestive tract is working smoothly, which can prevent issues like constipation, bloating, and discomfort. Plus, a healthy poop can indicate that you're eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and taking care of your gut health. To improve your pooping game, first of all, make sure you’re drinking enough water.  Secondly, regular exercise is also helpful to stimulate the muscles in your digestive tract, helping with healthy bowel movements. Lastly, try to increase your fiber intake by including more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes (chickpeas, beans, peas, peanuts)  in your diet. Fiber adds bulk to your stool and helps it pass through your system easily. 
FDN TIP – We do want to be careful with fiber and legumes and grains, because we are all bio-individual, meaning everyone’s body is different and sometimes they can be inflammatory instead of healing. Also, listen to your body's natural urges and don't push off or ignore – when you have to go, go!


WHOLE, NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS – This means foods that come from nature, not processed or junk foods that come from a can, box or bag. This one is hard because the temptation is everywhere, but knowing that whole foods contain all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds that your body craves, even when your mind is telling you it craves something else. But it does help knowing that these foods help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, boost energy levels, improve digestion, and up your mental game. By eating whole nutrient-dense foods, you're not only giving your body the fuel it needs but also choosing to invest in a long and vibrant life. 
FDN TIP – Everything is a choice, and empowering yourself with this question “How will I feel after I eat this?” usually helps to make a better choice in the moment. 

NUTRIENTS – Speaking of nutrients, there’s a few things we should aim to get into our body every day. 

  • Calcium: Helps fortify our bones, and foods like diary (we recommend A2 if you’re going with cow’s milk), kale, broccoli, bok choy, and canned sardines are higher in calcium.

  • Vitamin D: Obviously spending time in the sun helps with this ultra-essential nutrient, however most of us don’t get the amount that we need optimally. Foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and supplements are important to maintain.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Supports brain health among other important functions. Found in fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. 

  • Fiber: Not considered a nutrient, however so important either way to help digestion and keep things moving smoothly. Some foods rich in fiber are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

  • Antioxidants: These fight against free radicals, which can damage our cells and contribute to aging. Colorful fruits and vegetables, like berries, spinach, and sweet potatoes, are packed with antioxidants. 

FDN TIP – Diversity is key when it comes to foods, because different types of foods contain different types of nutrients, so go ahead and eat the rainbow!


When you look at this, you can easily get overwhelmed and ask yourself where to start. Our suggestion is to try one thing at a time. If you try and overhaul your diet and lifestyle at the same time you will set yourself up to be disappointed. So, take one goal a week and try to work with that. Figure out your steps to get it done and cross them off as you do it. And know that the key to making any health changes is to be aware and listen to your body. 


If it’s still overwhelming, that’s where we come in. We are here to guide you and give you a roadmap to living not only longer, but living stronger and thriving. Because who doesn’t want to play basketball with their grandkids and take walks with their friends well into their 90’s. We know we do!

~ Michele Zipper, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®